Sunday, May 10, 2020

Life in Lock Down

This lock down has changed the minds of many people.From The Colonization in Space to Isolation in Earth , We exists everywhere.Money is not luxury anymore.Marriages at its simplicity,Necessity at its peak,Hygiene as shield,Doctors as Gods,Quarantine as history,Humanity as power,Deaths as counts, etc.. We are facing a disaster with the modern minds.This is a crisis and it has impacts on people's lives. Some lost their health,Some lost their wealth,Some lost their lives, Some lost their jobs.But Humanity serves them a balance lifestyle of help from hell.

But Is this permanent? Never...
It is not going to be. Human are now ready to adapt themselves with the availability.It is upto the environment to choose and provide what they want.

Governments are attempting to engineer this social change by means of policies, laws, incentives, or coercion. Sometimes these efforts work effectively and actually make it possible to avoid social conflict. One such idea is SOCIAL DISTANCING.Universe has faced many External factors including war, migration, colonial domination, imported ideas, technology or plagues, and natural disasters,but it regained its form naturally and more stronger than ever. 

What if

  • the disease has not identified?
  • the lock down was not forced?
  • the quarantine was not practiced?
  • Pandemic never emerged?

Humans would not be in existence anymore,would not let to exist anymore,would not value the lives anymore.

Changes anywhere in the world can have amplified effects elsewhere, with increased benefits to some people and increased costs to others,despite of some changes producing instability and uncertainty that are to the disadvantage of all.India, like all participants in social systems, sometimes find it to its advantage to suffer some short-term losses to achieve the long-term benefits of a stable world economy.
Decisions about social alternatives are usually complicated by the fact that people are reactive. When a social program is undertaken to achieve some intended effect, the inventiveness of people in promoting or resisting that effect will add to the uncertainty of the outcome. Even if we cannot defend the medium,please don't offend it.

Earth is healing for a better future, for a better generation, for a better lives ... 

Think twice...Act Wise...

#Stay Home.Stay Safe.

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